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The cognitive dissonance of a world ruled by the head is what calls us to this work of the heart. A belief in the need to encompass the emotional, energetic, and spiritual aspects of healing, alongside the physical, is the foundation of sacred plant medicines and other holistic therapies.

Our mission is to bridge this gap between head and heart for those who seek it. In a world of increasing disconnection from ourselves, our earth, our history, and each other, we aim to find balance by providing an authentic, safe, and loving space for each individual, no matter their background, to get in touch with their truth. We are honored to serve medicine in sacred ceremony, empower our guests with knowledge and tools to continue their journey back home, raise cultural awareness, and continue our cherished duty as stewards and caretakers of our Earth. We feel that by healing ourselves first, aligning our past experiences and future actions with deep meaning and purpose, we can become true beacons of light and affect positive change in our lives and our world.

Everything we do, we do with love. It is the pillar of our work, the backbone of our ethos, and the way we live the lessons of the medicines. They teach us that unconditional love is the key to freedom from suffering, and we pass that sacred knowledge on by holding that space for each and every guest that joins us. We are passionate about what we do, and our family of warm, compassionate, loving souls welcomes you with open arms to take part in the movement.

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Affiliated to: Soltara Healing Center

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